Saturday, February 6, 2010

It Starts

The Beginning
I left my friends, family, and hardest of all, my boyfriend behind and headed off to school. I'll refer to my school as "Anonymous School of Art"...So ASA. I have a feeling that is the name of a real school? My boyfriend's best friend also attended ASA and would be graduating that December. Having him there was one of the biggest comforts to me. We weren't that close but it was a familiar face, a little piece of home.

I still vividly remember that first day on campus. it was warm and sunny outside. The kids were all over the lawn socializing or anti-socializing. I thought to myself....
"Oh dear God, look at all these kids....I'm surrounded by all the weirdos from high school."
And by that I meant, kids that took the classes cause they felt safe there. The teachers "got them" and they weren't going to be picked on or teased in there. They were all frolicking in amazement that others like them exist.

I instantly knew I was going to have a hard time finding someone to connect with.

It has indeed proven hard to find a soul I can genuinely connect to. I know I still have time to find those people; it's just hard being in a new place without the people that "get you". I don't have my person.
I have certain people that I know I would connect immensely with its just a matter of taking the class time chit chat to a new level. I remain faithful and am actually having coffee tomorrow with a soul I admire.

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